November 25 2021

Today is Thanksgiving here in the USA. I hosted my parents over the weekend as my parents were in state to attend a funeral. I spent today alone but my house keeper was kind enough to bring me a couple plates of traditional Thanksgiving fare. Called my parents, were were at my brother’s house. Got to talk to all four of my brother’s kids. They are doing well.

Still not sleeping as consistently as I would like. I usually get my best sleep between 5am and 8am. Decided I’m cutting out caffeine for awhile to see what happens. I’ve already been a week without coffee. I’m on day two of no diet soda pop.

Covid cases are on the rise again in my state. At least one person in my complex has had it within the last two weeks. I’m staying close to home for the most part. Getting cold enough now I don’t want to spend much time outdoors. Only a matter of time before the snow really arrives. Been drier than usual this autumn.

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