Paranoia Returning

I haven’t been doing as well the last few days as I have been in previous months.  I’m feeling excessively paranoid and just wanting to be alone all the time anymore.  I don’t even enjoy talking on the phone.  Other than a couple friends and a couple futurist groups, I have given up on socializing on facebook.  Just seems to me that everyone wants to be irritable and riled up all the time anymore.  And it makes me sick.  Makes me wonder why bother being an optimist or trying to stay in a good mood.  Everyone else it seems is in always in a lousy and angry mood, why should I be any different?  I just don’t see any happiness or genuine joy in the world anymore.  I’m just scared all the time anymore.  I’m scared of my neighbors, I’m scared of my landlords, I’m scared of my family, and I’m scared of even friends and acquiantances anymore.  It’s like empathy doesn’t exist anymore.  I just want to stay home and sleep all the time anymore.  And even in my dreams I am tormented.  But at least my dreams aren’t real.  My paranoias might not be reality either, but they just as well be as that is how powerful the human mind is.  I’m just too tired and burned out to stay angry all the time anymore.  That anger has given way to genuine fear and anxiety.  I am tired of being full of fear all the time.  I used to believe the future would be really cool if we could get past our short term issues.  I no longer believe that.  I think the dystopians were right and the future will be worse than even now.  I’ve observed people in my own life since I was a child and rarely do people change for the better over the years.  Most actually get more angry, greedy, irritable, and hateful as they age.  At least, that’s the impression that I have gotten over the years.  I’m tired of always being sad and depressed.  I’m tired of seeing nothing but hate and anger in everyone I meet anymore.  People like that just as well be back in the Stone Age.  And maybe that’s where we are heading.  I hope not.  I guess I’m writing just to get things I’ve kept bottled up for weeks now.  I’m scared if I had the traditional psych breakdown where I vent for a couple hours that I’ll get the cops called on me and I will definately then be evicted.  I’ve always had the fear of being evicted from my apartment too.  Had that for years.  I doubt it would be any better if I owned my own property.  I’m just paranoid to a disabling degree.  But such is the nature of schizophrenia.  And I still have no understanding of people who don’t believe that mental illness exists.  But some people are just ignorant and lack any kind of empathy.  If you have no empathy, than I won’t deal with you.  The world needs empathy, compassion, and a willingness to forgive and let a few things slide more than ever.  And I just don’t see this happening, at least not where I live.

2 thoughts on “Paranoia Returning

  1. Don’t allow people to dictate how you feel… Focus on being kickass! Create the life you want to. Visualize in your mind first, and hold on to it day after day!
    It’s tough to get over the fear and anger, but you’re stronger…
    I’ve been there though, seriously…
    Watch a funny TV Show…

  2. Good Morning. I struggle with depression. It helps that my dogs make me go outside with them a few times each day. Winter seemed to last forever this year. Now my rose bushes (I have two) are blooming and they seem to think spring is here to stay. The morning air is cool and crisp with a promise of a little more warmth as the day goes on. I encourage you to step outside for five minutes a day. You can time yourself; I do sometimes with my dogs. I don’t want to go out, but they need to, so I promise them five minutes. It often turns into more as I watch the world around me. Sometimes it’s hard to give them five minutes. Each day is different. I think some people want to deny the existence of mental illness because if it doesn’t exist, what they fear is wrong with them can’t be true. Maybe I over-simplify, but society seems to have more selfish members now and more folks who don’t want to admit when they might be wrong. Please keep keeping on. You give me hope. I imagine you provide that for many people and you don’t even realize it.

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